We support national and regional authorities in the identification and participative management of fragile ecosystems in Peru to guarantee their protection and defense in favor of local populations.
According to the legislation in our country, fragile ecosystems enjoy additional measures for their conservation and sustainable use due to the unique characteristics and resources they have, such as the provision of ecosystem services essential to life and key for the adaptation to climate change. Due to their condition of fragility, these spaces —among them, marshes, mist oasis, and wetlands— are highly vulnerable to activities that are developed within them or their surroundings, such as illegal land occupation or illegal resource extraction.
In this regard, the SPDA seeks to contribute to the effective management and protection of fragile ecosystems with the consolidation of the regulatory framework and the creation of citizen instruments for the defense of these strategic spaces.
The following are some of our key actions:
One of the main milestones is the approval of a supreme decree to protect the almost 16 million hectares of marshes in Peru.
2021-01-20 | Bofedales: ecosistemas milenarios que aseguran el agua | KIPU, SPDA |
2020-12-07 | Protegiendo los humedales: ¿qué son los humedales y cuál es la propuesta normativa para protegerlos? | CONDESAN. FOREST TRENDS, MINAM, USAID |
2015-09-21 | ¿Cómo retribuir los servicios ecosistémicos que aseguran agua de buena calidad? El caso de Tilacancha, Chachapoyas, Amazonas | ROSA PINEDA |